Friday, July 18, 2014

New Ebook – They are not evil guys!They only drink blood-Your blood-Clairvoyant Reading by Dimitrinka Ivanova Staikova By Dimitrinka Staikova Psychic Reading:Vampires-alive and dead,kings and antichrists.Rituals for immortality,family Dracula,The order of the Dragon,italian members of the order,Emperor Franz Joseph |,Adolf Hitler.Amsterdam, crashes, east Ukraine, flight mh17, Grabovo, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia airlines flight MH17, russia ukraine border, Kuala Lumpur, Amsterdam, russia ukraine border, Clairvoyant, Psychic, Predictions,

They are not evil guys!They only drink blood-Your blood-Clairvoyant Reading by Dimitrinka Ivanova Staikova By Dimitrinka Staikova Psychic Reading:Vampires-alive and dead,kings and antichrists.Rituals for immortality,family Dracula,The order of the Dragon,italian members of the order,Emperor Franz Joseph |,Adolf Hitler. Table of contents: 1. Vlad |||-Dracula-Psychic Prediction by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters-Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna. Author-Ivelina Staikova-psychic prediction made on his signature 2.P sychic Prediction made on the Ambras Castle portrait 3. PART TWO-VLAD DRACULA NOW 4. Maria Balsa (Dracula’s daughter)-Psychic reading by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters-Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” -from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna. 5. Ritual for Immortality 6. Maria Balsa Dracula in Present Time-27.06.2014,10am Psychic Reading by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” 7. Radu cel Frumos-brother of Vlad ||| Dracula-Vampire-Psychic Reading 8. Vlad || Dracul and Cneajna (Vasilissa) of Moldavia-the father and the mother of Vlad ||| Dracula-Psychic Reading 9. Sigismund-King of Hungary and Croatia (14 february 1368-9 december 1437) -24.06.014,4pm Psychic Reading 10. Order of the Dragon-Psychic Readings to all original members 10A- Members of Italian families-part of the Order of the Dragon: 11. Rymgajla Anna (1367-born)-mother of Princess Vasilissa Catuna Chiejna Musata(born-1394-mother of Vlad ||| Dracula-30.06.2014 ,4 pm Psychic Reading 12. Birute (Mother of Rymgajla Anna ), Kestutis-father of Rymgajla Anna 13.Article for the immortals. 14. Which is the food used in the Rituals for Immortality by the Vampires?What they put in the cup of immortality-The Chalice? 15. Manhunt of Giants-Children of Nephilims”-painted on a rock paintings from the Cave of Beasts (Gilf Kebir),or Cave of Swimmers (SW Egypt/Lybian Desert)-The Great Barier.Psychic Predictions 16. Franz Joseph |-Emperor of Austria He started the First World War.He is closed immortal-Psychic Reading 17. Adolf Hitler-He started the Second World War 02.07.2014,4pm-Psychic Reading

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